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Für alle Hauttypen 200 ml

Diese luxuriöse Körperbutter schmilzt buchstäblich in die Haut ein und tränkt sie mit ihrer mineralreichen Formel, die sich gleichzeitig eines hohen Gehalts an Vitamin E rühmen kann. Die Feuchtigkeit wird in der Haut eingeschlossen; die Haut ist mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt und fühlt sich den ganzen Tag über glatt und wiederbelebt an.


  • Luxuriöse Körpercreme die in die Haut hineinschmilzt und die Feuchtigkeit 24 Stunden lang einschließt 
  • Mit Mineralien angereichert und mit einem hohen Anteil an Antioxidanten ist sie ausgezeichnet zur Verwendung nach dem Sonnenbaden geeignet
  • Üppig, dennoch leicht absorbierende Formel, so dass Sie sich sofort nach dem Gebrauch ankleiden können


Großzügig nach dem Baden oder Duschen auftragen.

  • £45.00

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Different, but great!

I bought this body butter about 8 years ago in London, when one store opened freshly. Ever since, this butter reminded me of that time. Unbelievable, to this day I have some butter left and it is just as marvellous as 8 years ago. The same feeling, the same scent, no signs of spoiling at all, which I find amazing! So I just bought it again, as I am running out. Unfortunately, the scent is much less intensive and it doesn't bring my memories back as strong as the old one. That is okay, products change over time. But the quality is still the same, wich scent and consistency and I am very happy being able to buy it :) I can only recommend it!

Profumo e morbidezza

Adoro il suo profumo delicato, e per la morbidezza che lascia sulla pelle. Ottimo anche sul viso

Tania Kirk
Tested product

I have been using the soap & co products for 10yrs now and it's amazing. The body butter passion never ceases to amaze me
It makes my skin softer and smoother. I highly recommend it

Rasa Zigelyte
It is my second batch

The product is amazing, therefore I ordered again. The smell, the texture, the absorption by the skin is amazing. Now I can’t wait to try the Ocean line out.I just discovered Patchouli and I love it. Maybe even more than Passion. And I must admit,- the customer service is great so far. Today ,- I will give them Five stars from me :)

Zoe Wormald
Body butter

I've used this product for 2 years the smell has changed and I was worried it wouldn't be as good. But it is. Its amazing the smell the product. Makes your skin so silky and smooth. Lasts ages too
